Sunday 1 July 2012

Been a while

So I realised I hadn't posted in quite a while... whoops

I have been busy since the last post with work, moving house and various other things. I thought I would say what I have been doing since my last post months ago.
Firstly I have learnt to macramé, its rather rewarding to see the process and how what you are doing it coming then seeing the end product. At the moment I have just been doing simple bracelets with beads threaded onto the middle cord but I hope to experiment with it.
Few images of what I have made:

I have also started to work on the patchwork quilt magazine I have been collecting. I have only done the first two patches so far. I accidently cut the 'sails' for the second block the wrong way round but it still works and fits well.

Monday 9 January 2012

Gingerbread Men

I knew there was a post I forgot to do and that was before I went away for a long new years weekend I decided to make gingerbread men using the gingerbread cutter I got free from work which is actually a decent plastic gingerbread man shaped cutter as long as you don't roll out the gingerbread too thick.

Anyway I thought I would show my results:



Ignore the missing arm I got peckish before I took the photo of it (also ignore the clippers I couldn't find my scissors and they work well at removing the labels in new clothes xD)

Saturday 7 January 2012

To Quilt or not to Quilt

I realised I once again haven't posted anything on here for a while so I thought I would clue you in on the latest potential project.
A new how to quilt magazine has recently started so decided to try it to see if I liked it/could quilt well. Now I am still going to be doing bracelets etc but just potentially less of them to allow me to make other things too like attempting to quilt.

Anyway back to the quilting thing, I have the first issue the second hasn't come out yet so I will be spending the time waiting for issue 2 absorbing the magazine in and finding some test fabric before actually using the fabric they give you each issue which is supposed to be used to create one patchwork square with the idea that each issue you create a different square which can be made into your own quilt. The magazine also has other projects to do as well or ideas for projects so expect to maybe see them crop up on here.

I will be quilting by hand as I have no sewing machine and I do need to learn how to stitch better then I do currently.

For those interested this is the magazine I am going to be collecting - click to view magazine website

Friday 16 December 2011

Winnie Update - Final

So its been a long time coming this update as I have been doing other things which have distracted me from finishing the stitching. Now it is finish it will be taken out of the stitching frame and be framed properly ready to give to the person its for. So without further ado last 3 photos:




Wednesday 12 October 2011

Winnie Update - 7

So I realised I had not updated with how my stitching was going for a while but as I had been taking photos I will just post them going from top to bottom with bottom being the latest photo. As you can see a hell of difference from the last update.





Monday 26 September 2011

Winnie Update - 6

Just finished the back stitching on Eeyore so thought I would post another update on how its going.


Friday 23 September 2011

Winnie Update - 5

Time for another update on the Winnie cross stitch project. Decided this time to take a closer shot, its really starting to take shape now.
